Registered Charity no. 218341 | 01872 225 868 |
Registered Charity no. 218341 | Telephone: 01872 225 868
Registered Charity no. 218341 | 01872 225 868 |
Deafness, the hidden disability
The Charity has found a place in the Duchy for over 90 years and now, as funding resources become scarcer, our place in the Big Society is likely to become more essential We aim to be THERE to help people HEAR!
We welcome any offers of support for events and fundraising ideas and would love to join in your fairs, information days and open events.
Thank you for your kind consideration and support of our aims.
We are delighted to have been supported by Boshier Hinton Charity, The Tanner Trust, Clare Milne Trust, The Duchy Health Charity, Truro Glass, ERDF Smartline, Duke of Cornwall
Find out about joining us today and supporting people with hearing loss
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