Registered Charity no. 218341  |   Telephone: 01872 225 868


Registered Charity no. 218341  |  01872 225 868  |


Deafness, the hidden disability

Not to hear those squarking seagulls, the baby crying, the loud music and people arguing -”sounds” good? Not really, as being Deaf or experiencing hearing loss removes you from the full engagement in everyday life.
What you lose is people–conversation, banter, gossip and information. 
American author Helen Keller, the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, struck a familiar chord for many when she said “Deafness, means the loss of the most vital stimulus – the sound of the voice – that brings language, sets thought’s astir, and keeps us in the intellectual company of man”.

Make a Difference and help us to keep people in the loop!

You can make a donation online via our PayPal page.


Every little click helps!  

 Make a donation by bank transfer
Barclays: Hearing Loss Cornwall, 20-87-94, 50283703

Make a donation by post...
Not everyone is online, if you would like to donate you can
download a paper form or write us a cheque.

We would appreciate you downloading our donation form and sending it,  with your cheque,  to  
3 Walsingham Place, Truro TR1 2RP.

Again, if you are able to, please remember to tick yes to allow us to claim Gift Aid - this really makes every penny work as hard as it can for us. Download form

Pop into the office

We always like to put a name to a face!

You are welcome to pop into the office to make a donation by cheque or cash. We rely on donations to continue our work. All donations are gratefully received!

Hearing Loss Cornwall, is a unique Cornish charity set up in 1931, to benefit the d/Deaf community of the Duchy.
We are at the forefront of helping people with deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus to live fulfilling lives in a world geared to sound! 


“If your reflex is everyone feels lonely sometimes, you would be right. But you would also be understating the loneliness we feel.”

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